Another blog by Boh Tong the ex- SIA cabin crew: Our Japanese neighbors

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Our Japanese neighbors

Including ours, there are 6 new houses built in the area. The neighbors are nice people and we will always greet each other when we come face to face.
We were the last to move in and so as a practice we presented our neighbors with gifts.
The 2 immediate neighbors are relatively young couples with small children. Most if not all do not speak English. The wives are pretty and young. They are very shy too. I hardly communicate with my neighbors as I do not speak much Japanese.
The place we are in is very quiet and serene. We could hear the birds chirping and the sound of the crickets are common during the warm seasons.


BookLover said...

How many houses are there in total? It is very lonely place if there are only 6 homes...

Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

Oh there are also old houses but they are in the older estate which
is nearby. Our place is a newly developed estate and there will be more
houses in the near future.

BookLover said...

It is nice and romantic i.e. like living in a storybook to live in a small village. I experience it only reading stories like Enid Blyton.