Another blog by Boh Tong the ex- SIA cabin crew: Met Hong the ex IFS

Friday, September 29, 2017

Met Hong the ex IFS

Was at Hougang and bumped into Ah Hong, an ex IFS. Haven't seen Hong for a few years and he looked thinner and older. Hong is 71 years old.
He was very chatty and told me he has degenerative spinal conditions. He has stopped drinking alcohol but still smoke a lot.
Hong drank himself silly after his pet dog died recently. He is still grieving at the loss of his pet. He told me he has one Jack Russel and a cat at his home.
Hong is a Chinese martial art exponent. He participated in the Chinese lion dance for his clan in his younger days.
After 30 minutes of chatting, he excused himself, saying he had to go home and practise his kung fu exercises. We bade farewell to each other.

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